Counting the Days

Number of days since mailed application #1: 18
Number of days since mailed application #2: 15
Number of days since mailed application #3: 14
Number of days spent worrying about above stated number of days: 7

Number of days spent in chemistry lab (since January): 10
Number of days since last went into lab: 10
Number of days spent feeling guilty about this: 5

Number of days since spoke to any family member: 12
Number of days since thought about any family member: 1
Number of days attempting to remedy this situation: 0

Number of days since saw Dr. “shrink”: too long
Number of days spent obsessing over how much I need to see Dr. “shrink”: 9

Number of nights spent “researching” pointless things on the internet till 5 AM: 10
Number of days spent sleeping: 10

Number of days spent stressing over the future: 50 bajillion million
Number of days spent doing something to fix future/move forward: 0

Yeah, it’s been a great month.

One response to “Counting the Days

  1. Maira April 3, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Today, I made rice krispy treats after years. First time and last time I made these with my daughter. I missed her all the more…today!

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